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what is a Structure of Asp.net page

Structure of Asp.net page:-

A typical Asp.net Page comprises of following components.
1.      Directives
2.      Code Declaration Block
3.      Code Rendering Block
4.      Server side Comments
5.      Server side controls
6.      HTML Controls
7.       User Controls
8.      Server side Includes
9.      Literal Text
10.  XML Comments
            The Directives define the application type and provide set of attributes that control the behavior of application the comment used directives in Asp.net are
·         @Page
·         @Application
·         @Controls
·         @Imports
·         @Master
·         @Output cache
·         @Register
·         @Security etc….

            The Page directive is used for Asp.net Web forms it provides a set of attributes. That are used to Control the behavior of a web form.

1.      Language:-
Indicate the language that web form must be use.Aps.net web form can use two languages VB and C#.
Syntax :-          <%@Page Language=”C#”%>

2.      Code file:-
Indicate the Code file name if you are using             code behind document.

3.      Inherits;-
           Indicate the Class name that web form as to implement.

4.      Auto Event wire Up:-
           It wires up the event for Controls with the code file when set to true

5.      Culture:-
         It set the page culture to specific localization so that the page elements Response to the culture.

         Syntax :-  <%@Page Language=”C#” culture=”en-IN”% >

Asp.Net 4.6

What’s new in Asp.Net 4.6?

1.      New flexible and cross-platform run-time.
2.      New modular HTTP request Pipeline.
3.      Cloud ready environment configuration.
4.      Unified programming model that combines MVC, Web API and Web pages.
5.      Ability to see changes without rebuilding the Project.
6.      New tools in Visual Studio 2015.

7.      It is Open source.

What’s new in Asp.Net 4.5

 Asp.Net 4.5:-

1.      Bundling and Minification:-

              Bundling is easy to combine or bundle multiple files into a single file. You can create CSS, JavaScript and other bundles. Fewer files means fewer HTTP requests and that can improve first page load performance.

               Minification is the process of compressing the CSS and the java script files.

2.      Routing:-

          It is the Process of generating dynamic routes That can access the Resources from a website.
3.      Boot Strap:-
         It is a Repository of css and jquery that aloes the application to use the script and styles from the boot strap vendor.

4.      Web API’s :-

         The web API’s aloes the application development which is compatible ware’s devices like Mobil, tab’s.    

What’s New in HTML5 form

New in HTML5 form:-

The Basic html forms contains of following elements.

     1. Button
     2. Submit
     3. Reset
     4. Text
     5. Checkbox
     6. Radio

HTML5 introduces the following new control types into form

1.      Date
2.      DateTimeLocal
3.      Week
4.      Month
5.      Year
6.      Email
7.      Url
8.      File
9.      Color
10.  Range
11.  Number etc….

New attributes

1.      Required
2.      Placeholder
3.      Readonly


<!DOCTYPE html>
<form name=”frmregister”>
<h1 align=”center”>Registration form</h1>
<table aline=”center” width=”400”>
<td>User Name</td>
<td><input type=”text” request Placeholder=”User Name”></td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td><input type=”date”></td>
<td><input type=”number”></td>
<td>Price Range</td>
<td><input type=”range”></td>
<td>Select Shirt Color</td>
<td><input type=”color”></td>
<td>Upload Photo</td>
<td><input type=”file”></td>
<td><input type=”email”></td>
<td><input type=”Submit”value=”submit”>

What is New in HTML5 Document Structure

New in HTML5 Document Structure

              HTML5 introduces   is New Document Structure that makes the web application and the web site more SEO (search Engine option) friendly.

            The following are the new elements. Introduced into HTML5 document Structure.

Contains Information about the website.
Contains Information that is not relevant to the web.
Contains Information that is to be displayed in the body.
Defines the Navigation Bar.
Contains the navigation Bar.
Set a Picher or table with caption.
Defines the content to be displayed in the page header.
Content to be displayed in the page footer.

Sample Program:-

<! DOCTYPE html>
<nav>Home | About |Contact <\nav>
<h1> Google </h1>
<article>Special New Year offer…………</arical>
<aside>reliance fresh……….</aside>
&copy Copyright 2015


what is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Elements with Decription

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language):-

1.      Html is a Presentation Language. Introduced by Tim Berners Lee in 1990
2.      Html is Used to Present the data in web it Comprises of a Collection of Commends enclosed in “< >” Known as tags and elements.
3.      The Latest Version HTML 5 is available from the Venders W3C and WHATWG(Web Hypertext Application Technology Work Group)
4.      The Basic html5 elements are

< !DOCTYPE html >
Defines the HTM Version 5
< html > < /html >
Defines the Start and end of html documents
<head> </head>
Defines the head section of a page with Comprises of title, link, Meta etc….
<title> </title>
Title to be displayed in the title bar of Browser.
Links external files to the web Page link CSS, JavaScript, Favorite icon, etc...
It describes the Meta data that is the Information about the web from
<body> </body>
Defines the Content to be displayed in the Browser Window.

Creating simple static page using HTML5:-

1.      Create a New web site on IIS by Name “myfirstwebsite”
2.      Open Notepad and type the following code

<! DOCTYPE html>
<title> My First Website</title>
<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”mfw.ioc”>
<meta charset=”utf-8”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”welcome to My First Website”>
<meta name=”description” content=”First Website now showing…..”>
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”30”>
<h1> Welcome to My First Website</h1>
3.      Save the file in website Physical path by name “index.html”
4.      Open Browser(Internet Explorer / Chrome)
5.      Type the following URL


how to work with Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server in dotnet

Locating webserver:-

1.      open control panel
2.      Switch to “Large Icon” view
3.      Go to “Administrative tools” and check if Internet Information Services Manager (IIS) is       available.

Note:-  If IIS is not located in Administrative tools Add IIS by using below Step’s.

Adding IIS to your Computer:-

1.      Open  Control Panel
2.      Go to “Programs and features”
3.      Click on “Turn Windows Features on or off”.
4.      Select the option “Internet Information Services (IIS)”.
5.      Click ok.

Creating a New Web Site on IIS:-

1.      Open IIS from Control Panel
(Run à Inetmgr)
2.      Expand Local Computer
3.      Expand “Sites” folder
4.      Register Click on “Default website”
5.      Select the open “Add virtual Directory”
6.      Define the following options

Alias Name: My First Website
Physical Path: D:\ My First Website

7.      Click Ok

what are the Web terminologys

Web terminology:-

                       we must know about some of this web terminology’s.
1.     Network:-

      A Computer network comprises of group of computers connecting to each other for sharing of information and devices.

2.      Types of Network:-

    The computer Network are Classified into three types Based on range and capacity. They are

a)      LAN (Local Area Network)
b)     MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
c)      WAN (Wide Area Network)

3.      Internet:-

Inter Net is a Wide Area Network that connect computers all over the World.

4.      Web:-

        Web is a portion of Internet the concept of web was introduced by
‘Tim Berners-Lee”

5.      Web server:-

Web server resembles both hardware and software, it satisfies the request of client by sending and receiving the data. The popular web server software’s are 

a)      Microsoft IIS
b)     JBoss
c)      Apache Tomcat
d)     IBM Lotus
e)      Light PGD
f)       Web Sphere etc……..

6.      Website:-

A website is virtual directory in the web server. Information is posted on servers in the form of websites.

7.      Web application:-

A web application permit user information like Registration, login manage account, etc…

8.      Web page:-

Information in a website is stored in the form of hypertext document none as webpages. The webpages are classified into two types.

a)      Static page:-

The page that are free define in the server and are ready for access are none as static page.

Ex:- home.html, Index.html ect….

b)     Dynamic Page

The page that are generator as a Response to the client Request are none as dynamic page.

Ex:-  Result.aspx, Inbox.php, chat.jsp etc…

9.      URL

It is the virtual path generated by a web server to access the resources from web site.


10.  Http and Https:-

The Computer in web communicate with each other by using a set of roles none as Protocols. The common web portals are http and htpps.

            The secured protocol (https) used to an extra layer of encryption to protect users data.

11.  Blog(web-log):-

Blogs are journals on internet use wile conation’s information of individual user and updated periodically.

12.  Micro Blog:-

A Micro Blog contain information of multiple users periodical publish on single page.

Ex: - titter.

13.  Wiki:-

A Wiki aloes anonymous users to edit the contains

Ex:- Wikipedia, WikiMaps, www.imbd.cm.