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what is a Structure of Asp.net page

Structure of Asp.net page:-

A typical Asp.net Page comprises of following components.
1.      Directives
2.      Code Declaration Block
3.      Code Rendering Block
4.      Server side Comments
5.      Server side controls
6.      HTML Controls
7.       User Controls
8.      Server side Includes
9.      Literal Text
10.  XML Comments
            The Directives define the application type and provide set of attributes that control the behavior of application the comment used directives in Asp.net are
·         @Page
·         @Application
·         @Controls
·         @Imports
·         @Master
·         @Output cache
·         @Register
·         @Security etc….

            The Page directive is used for Asp.net Web forms it provides a set of attributes. That are used to Control the behavior of a web form.

1.      Language:-
Indicate the language that web form must be use.Aps.net web form can use two languages VB and C#.
Syntax :-          <%@Page Language=”C#”%>

2.      Code file:-
Indicate the Code file name if you are using             code behind document.

3.      Inherits;-
           Indicate the Class name that web form as to implement.

4.      Auto Event wire Up:-
           It wires up the event for Controls with the code file when set to true

5.      Culture:-
         It set the page culture to specific localization so that the page elements Response to the culture.

         Syntax :-  <%@Page Language=”C#” culture=”en-IN”% >