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what is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Elements with Decription

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language):-

1.      Html is a Presentation Language. Introduced by Tim Berners Lee in 1990
2.      Html is Used to Present the data in web it Comprises of a Collection of Commends enclosed in “< >” Known as tags and elements.
3.      The Latest Version HTML 5 is available from the Venders W3C and WHATWG(Web Hypertext Application Technology Work Group)
4.      The Basic html5 elements are

< !DOCTYPE html >
Defines the HTM Version 5
< html > < /html >
Defines the Start and end of html documents
<head> </head>
Defines the head section of a page with Comprises of title, link, Meta etc….
<title> </title>
Title to be displayed in the title bar of Browser.
Links external files to the web Page link CSS, JavaScript, Favorite icon, etc...
It describes the Meta data that is the Information about the web from
<body> </body>
Defines the Content to be displayed in the Browser Window.

Creating simple static page using HTML5:-

1.      Create a New web site on IIS by Name “myfirstwebsite”
2.      Open Notepad and type the following code

<! DOCTYPE html>
<title> My First Website</title>
<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”mfw.ioc”>
<meta charset=”utf-8”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”welcome to My First Website”>
<meta name=”description” content=”First Website now showing…..”>
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”30”>
<h1> Welcome to My First Website</h1>
3.      Save the file in website Physical path by name “index.html”
4.      Open Browser(Internet Explorer / Chrome)
5.      Type the following URL


how to work with Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server in dotnet

Locating webserver:-

1.      open control panel
2.      Switch to “Large Icon” view
3.      Go to “Administrative tools” and check if Internet Information Services Manager (IIS) is       available.

Note:-  If IIS is not located in Administrative tools Add IIS by using below Step’s.

Adding IIS to your Computer:-

1.      Open  Control Panel
2.      Go to “Programs and features”
3.      Click on “Turn Windows Features on or off”.
4.      Select the option “Internet Information Services (IIS)”.
5.      Click ok.

Creating a New Web Site on IIS:-

1.      Open IIS from Control Panel
(Run à Inetmgr)
2.      Expand Local Computer
3.      Expand “Sites” folder
4.      Register Click on “Default website”
5.      Select the open “Add virtual Directory”
6.      Define the following options

Alias Name: My First Website
Physical Path: D:\ My First Website

7.      Click Ok